
Wuhan Novel Coronavirus update

Five patients in Scotland test negative.

Results for all five tests for Wuhan novel coronavirus announced by the Scottish Government on Thursday have come back negative.

There are currently no confirmed cases in Scotland and the rest of the UK.

The risk to the public remains low, but we will continue to work with the World Health Organisation and international community as we monitor the situation closely.

Health Protection Scotland advises that travellers returning from Wuhan who become unwell with sore throat, cough or breathing difficulty with or without fever, within 14 days of their return, to call their GP or NHS 24 to see if further assessment is needed.

Respiratory and flu-like illness are more common at this time of year as such there will be cases presenting with symptoms who are highly unlikely to have Wuhan novel coronavirus.

We will issue an update should there be any confirmed cases of Wuhan novel coronavirus.


The five negative tests are included in information on the website of the UK Department of Health and Social Care.


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