Teacher training report

Concern over wide variation in courses.

Differences in the training student teachers receive at university have been highlighted in a new Scottish Government report.

The analysis of initial teacher education (ITE) courses found variations in the time spent on key components of the curriculum – with the widest variation in the crucial area of literacy.

Mr Swinney said:

“It is essential all teacher education programmes are of the highest quality. They must deliver appropriate content for literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, as well as data literacy and equality, across both the primary and secondary sectors.

“I am very concerned by the wide variations identified in this report, which have also been highlighted in evidence submitted to the Education and Skills Committee on workforce planning. I will consider the implications of this report and discuss with the ITE providers and General Teaching Council for Scotland to ensure all necessary training and support is in place for student teachers.”

The ITE analysis report has been commissioned by the Scottish Government as part of the National Improvement Framework.

Initial teacher education is provided by university schools of education, and courses are accredited by the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) who are responsible for maintaining teaching standards.  


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