South of Scotland Economic Partnership

Leaders of interim body announced.

The chair and lead officer for the new South of Scotland interim Economic Partnership have been announced.

Economy Secretary Keith Brown confirmed Professor Russel Griggs OBE will be the private sector chair of the interim body, while Rob Dickson will co-ordinate the partnership’s day to day work.

The Economic Partnership will be in place by the end of 2017. It will bring together public and private sector partners to deliver a fresh approach to economic development in the South of Scotland and will help prepare the ground for the establishment of the new South of Scotland Enterprise Agency. 

Mr Brown said:

“I am pleased these two talented and influential individuals will be steering the work of the South of Scotland Economic Partnership.

“This new interim partnership has a vital role in delivering a fresh approach to addressing the economic needs and opportunities in the south of Scotland, ensuring that the area benefits in advance of the statutory agency we are committed to establishing..

“With the chair and lead officer in place, we will now look to confirm the other members of the Partnership to ensure that it is up and running by the end of 2017.”

Professor Griggs OBE said: “As a resident and someone who is very firmly committed to the success of the South of Scotland, I am delighted to take up this new role as chair of the interim partnership.  It’s an exciting time to be in the area.

“While I do not underestimate the economic challenges we need to tackle over the next couple of years, I am confident that we have the ambition and commitment to succeed.  After all we have a lot to build on.

“The Scottish Government’s long term commitment to the South of Scotland is clear, with investment in the railway, a new hospital for Dumfries and Galloway, discussions around a Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal and the establishment of a new enterprise agency.  I am determined that the new partnership will make the most of this unique opportunity, in advance of the new statutory agency.”

Mr Dickson added:

“I welcome the Scottish Government’s commitment to a different approach, tailored to supporting inclusive growth in the South of Scotland.   It’s not very often you have the opportunity to create something new in your career and I am very pleased to take up this role, co-ordinating the new interim partnership, in a part of the country that I know can be more economically successful than it is today.

“We will be able to try out different approaches that will contribute to the area’s prosperity and also help to put in place the right building blocks for the new agency.    The partnership will bring together the private and public sectors to ensure they are better aligned, working together and focusing hard on delivering priorities to benefit the South of Scotland.”


Mr Brown announced the establishment of SOSEP in September this year.


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