Scottish Public Sector Employment

A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

Public Sector Employment Statistics for Scotland, released today by Scotland’s Chief Statistician, show that there were 559,500 people employed in the public sector in Scotland in June 2018.

As of June 2018, public sector employment accounted for 21.1 per cent of total employment in the country and private sector employment accounted for 78.9 per cent of total employment in Scotland.

There were 504,300 people employed in the devolved public sector in June 2018, a net increase of 1,730 (+0.3%) since June 2017. There were increases in headcount in Local Government by 1,210 (+0.5%), devolved civil service by 390 (+2.3%) and other public bodies by 190 (+1.2%) and slight increases in public corporations by 40 (+0.2%) and NHS staff by 60 (0.0%). There were decreases in headcount in further education colleges by 100 (-0.7%) and Police and Fire by 60 (-0.2%).

The figures released today were produced by independent statistical staff free from any political interference, in accordance with professional standards set out in the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.


The full National Statistics publication can be accessed at:

In addition to the National Statistics publication there is also a Public Sector Employment Statistics Websection containing:

  • Local government staffing by local authority and gender.
  • Detailed tables showing a full-time series – all quarters back to Q1 1999.
  • Further information on youth employment levels (16-24) in the devolved public sector for Q1 2013, Q1 2014, Q1 2015, Q1 2016, Q1 2017 and Q1 2018.
  • The data are not seasonally adjusted and therefore comparisons should only be made with the same quarter over time.

Devolved public bodies refer to public bodies which are the responsibility of the Scottish Government or Scottish Parliament. This includes the core Scottish Government and Agencies, Non-Ministerial Departments, Local Authorities, Police and Fire Services, NHS, Non-Departmental Public Bodies, Public Corporations and other significant national bodies.

Further information on Labour Market statistics within Scotland can be accessed at:          

Official statistics are produced by professionally independent statistical staff – more information on the standards of official statistics in Scotland can be accessed at:


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