New health and social care standards

Consultation to seek views from across Scotland

New standards to give people the right to high-quality health and care services have been published for consultation today.

The standards will provide a framework for all health, social work and social care provision in Scotland.

They are being extended to all health and care services - from hospitals and care homes to care at home for adults and children’s day-care services.

The standards set out what people can expect when they use health and social care services and will be used by the Care Inspectorate, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and other scrutiny bodies during their inspection processes.

They have been developed by an expert group consisting of organisations representing people using services, unpaid carers, health and social care providers and commissioners of care and support services.

Health Secretary Shona Robison said:

“Since 2002, the National Care Standards have played an important role in ensuring people who receive care and support get the high-quality service they are entitled to.

“In reviewing the current standards, we all have a unique opportunity to contribute to how our services are planned, commissioned, delivered and improved.

“What matters most is that people feel included and respected, and can choose the kind of service which best improves their quality of life whatever their circumstances.

“This human-rights based approach to standards of care has been developed following an extensive engagement process with both stakeholders and the public. I hope everybody will take the opportunity to give us their views.”

Jim Crichton, Chief Executive of The State Hospital and member of the NHS Chief Executives Group, said:

“I am delighted to see the opportunity for transformational change which the new standards can underpin in the quality of care delivery and individuals experience of care.

“The new National Health and Social Care Standards will ensure that people's individual experience of care is as much a priority for service providers as how quickly they are seen or how effective their treatment has been.

“Whether you are young or old, receiving support at home, or in care, we will be asking you about your experience and seeking to ensure that you are at the centre of that support, involved in decisions about your care and that it was provided with compassion.”

Nancy Fancott, Policy and Development Officer, Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland said:

“We welcome the launch of the consultation on new draft health and social care standards. We have worked closely with the Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland team over many months and together made significant progress in creating a draft set of standards that are rooted in the five human rights-based overarching principles.

“We would encourage providers and others to participate actively in the consultation to help ensure that the standards focus on the outcomes and experiences of people receiving care and support. We look forward to working with the Care Inspectorate and commissioners to develop new inspection methods and commissioning practices that reflect and support the new standards once they are agreed.”

Notes to editors

Scottish Ministers have a duty to prepare and publish standards and outcomes applicable to care services and social work services under Section 50 of the Public Service Reform (Scotland) Act 2010.

An initial consultation in 2015 on the five over-arching Principles of the National Care Standards attracted over 1700 responses.

The new National Health and Social Care Standards that are now being consulted on are:

  1. I experience high quality care and support that is right for me
  2. I am at the heart of decisions about my care and support
  3. I am confident in the people who support and care for me
  4. I am confident in the organisation providing my care and support
  5. And if the organisation also provides the premises I use
  6. And if my liberty is restricted by law
  7. And if I am a child or young person needing social work care and support.

The first four set out standards for everyone. These are complemented by three additional standards that only apply in specific circumstances.

The consultation will run until 22 January 2017, with a view to beginning the rollout of the new standards from Spring 2017.

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