Minimum unit pricing
Health Secretary comments on SWA decision to appeal
Commenting on the decision from the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) to appeal the minimum unit pricing ruling, Health Secretary Shona Robison said:
“The Scotch Whisky Association’s decision to appeal against last month’s emphatic ruling from the Court of Session is deeply disappointing.
“Their seeking leave to appeal to the Supreme Court is now the only stumbling block to minimum unit pricing being introduced. Of course, it is not yet inevitable that the appeal would proceed all the way to the Supreme Court.
“I think the SWA may want to consider that minimum unit pricing was passed with the overwhelming support of the Parliament, has been tested in Europe, and has now been approved twice in the Scottish courts.
“We remain committed to ongoing dialogue with the alcohol industry. Should the SWA drop their appeal, and accept that the time has now come to implement this measure that will save lives, they could expect very strong support from across Scotland.
“Minimum unit pricing is one of a range of measures we are implementing to reduce alcohol-related harm, and we will be introducing a refreshed Alcohol Framework next year.
“We remain determined to implement this policy as soon as possible, and we’re confident that, like the Court of Session, the Supreme Court will find the policy to be lawful.”
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