Labour Productivity Statistics, 2018 Quarter 4
An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.
Estimates of labour productivity for Scotland’s onshore economy up to the fourth quarter of 2018 (October-December) were announced today by Scotland’s Chief Statistician.
Key figures in the latest release are:
- in 2018 Quarter 4, labour productivity in Scotland, measured by output per hour worked, has increased by 2.3% in real terms (inflation adjusted) compared to the same quarter last year
- compared to the previous quarter, labour productivity is estimated to have grown by 0.5% in 2018 Quarter 4, following zero growth (0.0%) in the previous quarter
- in 2018, annual labour productivity increased by 3.8% compared to 2017
- this publication also includes estimates of output per job and current price productivity measures (not adjusted for inflation). Experimental estimates of labour productivity for broad industry groups are also available online
The Labour Productivity statistics.
Labour productivity measures the average amount of economic output that is produced by a unit of labour input (measured in this release in terms of jobs and hours worked).
Labour productivity is a derived statistic. This means that it is not directly estimated, but is based on separate estimates for economic output and labour input. Labour input measures in this release are consistent with NUTS1 results for countries and regions published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Output (GVA) statistics are consistent with Scottish Government GDP Quarterly National Accounts statistics.
Further information on Scottish economic statistics.
The figures released today were produced in accordance with professional standards set out in the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.
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