
Input-Output Tables for Scotland 1998-2014

An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland

Scotland’s Chief Statistician today released the Input-Output Tables for Scotland 1998-2014. The tables provide a complete picture of the flows of goods and services in the economy for a given year. They detail the relationship between producers and consumers and the interdependencies of industries.

The tables form the basic structure of most large-scale models of the Scottish economy and are used by governments, academics and other analysts to produce detailed analysis of the Scottish economy and to model the impact of hypothetical economic events.


  1. The full 1998 to 2014 Supply and Use Tables, along with their associated Input-Output analytical tables, are available in the downloads section of the Scottish Input-Output tables web site:
  2. These Tables are consistent with the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA2010).
  3. Input-Output Tables model the entire economy and estimate all the detailed industry flows of goods and services. They require the use of final figures from a wide range of sources including business surveys and UK National Accounts information. As a result, National Input-Output Tables are usually compiled several years after the year to which they relate.
  4. The Supply table provides estimates of the output of a large number of differentiated products and industries and the Use table provides estimates of the inputs (of goods and services) used by each industry to produce their own output.
  5. The Supply and Use Tables are the basic building blocks, all other Input-Output analyses are derived from them;
  6. Symmetric tables (a.k.a. the analytical tables) represent the modelling aspect of the Input-Output framework. The Scottish Government produces Industry by Industry, Product by Product and Leontief inverse analytical tables.
  7. Official statistics are produced by professionally independent statistical staff – more information on the standards of official statistics in Scotland can be accessed at: 


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