Independent Living Fund Scotland appointments

Additional board members appointed.

Minister for Public Health and Sport, Aileen Campbell today announced the appointment of three new ILF Scotland board members.

Elizabeth McAtear, Twimukye Mushaka and Elizabeth Humphreys join current Board Members Bridget Sly, Alan Dickson and Fiona O’Donnell and Chair Susan Douglas-Scott.

Ms Campbell said:

“I’m delighted to announce the appointment of Elizabeth McAtear, Twimukye Mushaka and Elizabeth Humphreys to the ILF Scotland Board.

“The purpose of ILF Scotland is to safe-guard the rights of our most severely disabled people to live independent lives and I am confident that the new appointments have the experience, commitment and drive to make that happen.”

The Scottish Government announced its commitment to a new national Scottish independent living fund in 2014, to safe-guard the rights of society’s most severely disabled people to live independent lives in their communities and to ensure the fund’s long-term future.

Independent Living Fund Scotland (ILF Scotland) has been in operation since 1 July 2015, with all existing Scottish users transferred on this date. The Scottish Government has also committed £5 million to open the scheme up to new users and work is currently underway to develop the process, together with the award criteria. The policy for the new scheme is being developed in co-production with disabled people, carers, representative bodies and local authorities.

Notes to editors

All three appointments will initially run from 8 August 2016, for two years.

The Members appointments are remunerated at £168.67 per day, for a time commitment of one day per month (12 days per year), although some posts may involve an additional six days per year (capped at 18 days per year).

All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity within the last five years (if there is any to be declared) to be made public.

Elizabeth McAtear

Elizabeth McAtear has over 30 years' public sector experience including serving as a Local Authority Councillor and 10 years on the Board of NHS Western Isles, the last two years as Vice-chair. She has also served eight years on the Board of Lews Castle College UHI, two of those years as Chairperson. Elizabeth is currently in the final year of a second term on Bòrd na Gàidhlig, the Public Body established to reverse the decline in the Gaelic language in Scotland. She led the Board as Interim Chair for a year and currently chairs the Policy and Delivery committee. Through her work she has considerable knowledge and experience of corporate accountability, governance, audit and risk management in the public sector and strategic planning.

Twimukye Macline Mushaka

Twimukye Macline Mushaka has been working with the Poverty Alliance in Glasgow as a Fieldwork Development Officer since 2008. Previously, she worked as Executive Director of the National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU) and as an independent consultant on disability issues in Eastern and Southern African regions until 2000. Twimukye has extensive experience of involvement with a range of third sector organisations in Scotland including on the Board of the Scottish Refugee Council (2008 -2014) and is currently a member of the Board of Directors of One Parent Families Scotland, Bridging the Gap and Karibu Scotland. Twimukye has spoken on a range of disability related issues both at national and international level and brings extensive knowledge of how disability impacts on independent living based on her own personal experience of living with multiple disabilities.

Elizabeth Humphreys

Elizabeth Humphreys has 30 years’ experience of working in the public and voluntary sectors. She is a Director and Trustee of the Edinburgh-based charity IntoWork, which supports disabled people in finding employment. She is also an active member of Changing the Chemistry, a Scottish charity with the aim of promoting diversity within organisations, particularly at Board level and has been an Independent Prison Monitor. During her career in the public sector, Elizabeth championed the needs of disabled people and individuals with other protected characteristics through a wide variety of roles, as well as promoting equality issues as a senior leader.


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