
Impact of Brexit to Glasgow

Meeting with Glasgow City Council

The Scottish Government is committed to maintaining and supporting Scotland’s business communities, Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland’s Place in Europe Michael Russell told Leader of Glasgow City Council Councillor Frank McAveety.

At a meeting attended by Councillor Frank McAveety, Chief Executive of Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Stuart Patrick, Glasgow Economic Leadership Board member Kevin Kane and Chair of the Standing Council on Europe Professor Anton Muscatelli, Mr Russell received a presentation of their report ‘Brexit and the Glasgow Economy’.

Mr Russell said:

“Brexit is the biggest threat to Scotland’s jobs, prosperity and economy.  I, therefore, welcome this contribution from Glasgow City Council and Glasgow Chamber of Commerce to the on-going debate about the potential impact of Brexit to the City.

“There was a shared agreement around the table that maintaining Scotland’s place in the world’s biggest single market, based upon the four freedoms, is of huge importance to our economy, jobs, trade, living standards and for investment. 

“Along with my government colleagues I would welcome further dialogue, and I know that Glasgow City Council will want to talk further with the Scottish Government around the asks in their paper.”

Councillor Frank McAveety said

“We had a very useful exchange of views and I’m pleased that the Glasgow Brexit report and its findings were commended. The assurances given that the Minister will suggest further meetings with other Ministers to discuss new structural investment possibilities in Glasgow were hugely welcome.

“The City Council, the Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Leadership Board who compiled the Brexit Report, all share the Scottish Government’s view that Scotland needs a Brexit settlement that guarantees as close an involvement in the European single market as possible. Right now access to the single market delivers tens of thousands of jobs in Glasgow. Brexit cannot be allowed to jeopardise that.”


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