Ensuring effective delivery of the CMAL contracts

Board to determine a new delivery schedule by the end of October.

Economy Secretary Derek Mackay has chaired the first meeting of the group appointed to ensure effective completion of the two ferries being built at Ferguson Marine shipyard.

Mr Mackay tasked the Programme Review Board to establish a robust delivery schedule by the end of October for the effective and efficient delivery of both vessels.

Speaking after he convened the first meeting of the group at the shipyard in Port Glasgow, Mr Mackay said:

“We have always been clear that we want to complete the vessels, secure jobs and give the yard a future. On Friday, I met with the excellent workforce and stressed the Scottish Government’s commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for the yard.

“Today, I convened the first meeting of the newly established Programme Review Board and tasked them with establishing a new delivery schedule for both vessels and a revised cost window. This group will help assess the current situation and ensure the effective and efficient delivery schedule of the CMAL ferry contracts as quickly as possible."

The interim Chairperson of the Board will be Michelle Rennie, Director of Major Projects at Transport Scotland. Membership of the Programme Review Board includes:

Duncan Mackison  - David MacBrayne
Jim Anderson -  Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd
Alex Logan - Workforce Representatives
Tim Hair – Macrocom Turnaround Director
Tim McDonnell – Marine Scotland
Gordon Wales – Scottish Government 
Douglas Hyslop - Scottish Enterprise


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