Teacher Workforce Planning Advisory Group
The Teacher Workforce Planning Advisory Group considers:
- the workforce planning process: in particular, the distribution of secondary subjects amongst universities and that the process reflects geographical needs
- the requirement of teachers in denominational schools
- refinement to the teacher vacancy survey
- the method of potential clawback of funding from universities for under-recruitment and penalties for over-recruitment to courses
- what further improvements should feed into the teacher workforce planning process
- the outcome of the teacher workforce planning projections, the key factors affecting teacher supply and the aspects which should be drawn to the Scottish Funding Council's attention in ministers' guidance on initial teacher education
- advice on teacher recruitment publicity activity
- Stuart Robb, Scottish Government (Joint Chair)
- Carrie McLennan, Scottish Council of Deans of Education (Joint Chair)
Hulda Sveinsdottir, Aberdeen University
- Greg Dempster, Association of Headteacher and Deputes in Scotland
- Tracey Gillespie, Society of Personnel Directors in Scotland
- Gavin Bruce, Scottish Funding Council
- Scarlett Campbell, Scottish Funding Council
- Pauline Stephen, General Teaching Council for Scotland
- Graham Hutton, School Leaders Scotland
- Stuart Brown, SNCT Teachers Panel
- Michael Wood, Association of Directors of Education in Scotland
- Zak Tuck, Scottish Government
- Alasdair Anthony, Scottish Government
- David Nicholson, Scottish Government
- Scott Brand, Scottish Government
- Morag Redford, Universties Scotland
- Gavin Lee University West of Scotland
- Chris Aitkinson, COSLA
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