Languages Strategic Implementation Group


This group is no longer active.


The Strategic Implementation Group (SIG) was set up in 2013 and was active until 2022 to lead the practical implementation of the 1+2 languages policy, chiefly in schools. 

The members of the group agreed an implementation plan in December 2016. This plan provides the members with strategic direction and focuses on four priorities:

  • communication and engagement
  • collaboration
  • curriculum
  • professional development

The members also agreed to a set of key messages about the 1+2 languages commitment.

Meeting minutes prior to November 2016 can be found in the archive.


The co-chairs of the group are:

  • Association of Directors of Education Scotland - ensuring Scotland's local authorities are at the heart of thinking and practical steps to deliver change in schools
  • Education Scotland - advice, support, resources, challenge, professional development

Other members of the group include:

  • Association of Heads and Depute Heads Scotland - representing primary school heads
  • College Development Network Scotland
  • COSLA – representing all local authorities
  • Educational Institute of Scotland - teaching union representation
  • General Teaching Council Scotland - promoting and regulating the teaching profession
  • Languages Network Group Scotland
  • National Parent Forum of Scotland – representing parents
  • School Leaders Scotland - representing secondary school heads
  • Scottish Association of Language Teaching
  • Scottish Qualifications Authority
  • Scottish Council of Deans of Education – represents the schools of teacher education in the universities
  • Scottish Government – owners of the policy and source of funding.
  • Scotland's National Centre for Languages – advice, support, resources, professional development, promoting languages.
  • University Council of Modern Languages Scotland



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