STEM Bursary Advisory Group


STEM Bursary Advisory Group was established following the closure of the first year (2018-2019) of the STEM Bursary scheme.

The role of the group is to review the implementation of the bursary scheme at the end of the current year’s scheme to provide advice on any necessary changes for the following year’s scheme. 

The group met in November 2019, January 2020 and February 2020.

Remit of the group is:

  • to review all aspects of the 2019-2020 STEM bursary scheme
  • to consider and inform changes to eligibility criteria for 2020-2021 including eligible subjects, qualification level and employment history
  • to help resolve any selection or ranking process that may become necessary in 2020-2021
  • to review the impact on Initial Teacher Education uptake and teacher recruitment 


  • Stephanie Walsh, Team Leader Education Workforce Unit, Scottish Government (Chair)
  • Angela Felvus, Senior Policy Officer, Education Workforce Unit (Secretariat)
  • Frank Creamer, STEM and Numeracy Policy Manager, Scottish Government
  • Paul McGuiness, NTP Performance and Operations Manager, Skills Development Scotland 
  • Lynda McShane, STEM Programme Executive, Skills Development Scotland
  • Cindy Cannon, National Operations Manager, Skills Development Scotland 
  • Ian Rivers, Scottish Council of Deans of Education
  • Dr Helen Gorman, Curriculum Leader for Science and Technology, McLaren High School
  • Nicola Dickie, Chief Officer, Children and Young People, COSLA


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