Scottish Advisory Panel on Offending Reduction (SAPOR)
The Scottish Advisory Panel on Offending Reduction (SAPOR) was set up in 2012.
It is sponsored by the Scottish Government, and its purpose is to: support desistance by providing approval and advice, setting standards and promoting excellence in programmes, interventions and processes aimed at rehabilitating people who have offended and by encouraging properly evaluated innovation.
It replaced the previous Scottish Accreditation Panel for Offender Programmes.
The Panel was previously known as the Scottish Advisory Panel on Offender Rehabilitation.
Its key functions include:
- advising those developing rehabilitative programmes for individuals in the community and/or a prison environment
- accreditation of structured group-based offender programmes
- Professor Graham Towl, Chair
- Dr Sarah Lewis, Panel Member
- Michelle Gilluley, Panel Member
- Professor Erica Bowen, Panel Member
- Professor Susan McVie, Panel Member
- Rona Fraser, Panel Member
- Mark McSherry, Panel Member
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