National Asset Transfer Action Group
The Scottish Government has established a new National Asset Transfer Action Group following completion of the three year evaluation on asset transfer activity by Glasgow Caledonian University. Glasgow Caledonian University researchers published their final report “Asset Transfer Requests: Evaluation of Part 5 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015” on 30 July 2020. Asset transfer requests - final evaluation report.
The group’s remit is to consider:
- the findings and recommendations from Glasgow Caledonian University’s evaluation report and propose actions for the short, medium and long term
- the learning from asset transfer activity over the last few years, the challenges and opportunities it presents
- what actions need to be taken more broadly, and by whom, to ensure that asset transfer is achieving its goal to drive change and empower communities
Membership is made up from representatives from relevant authorities listed in schedule 3 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 and key stakeholders.
- Kathleen Glazik (Chair), Community Empowerment Team Leader, Scottish Government
- Malcolm Cowie, Asset Transfer Policy Manager, Community Empowerment Team, Scottish Government (Secretariat)
- Christopher Robb, Policy Officer, Community Empowerment Team, Scottish Government
- Rebekah Dundas, Secretariat, Scottish Land Fund
- Linda Gillespie, Team Leader, Community Ownership Support Service
- Rebecca Carr, Community Asset Transfer Manager, Forestry and Land Scotland
- Maureen Burgess, Capacity Building Officer, Fife Voluntary Action
- Pauline Bradshaw, Legal Services Manager, Glasgow City Council
- Richard Kelly, Grants and Initiatives Manager, Glasgow City Council
- Allan Roberts, Head of Special Projects Team, Transport Scotland
- Jillian Matthew, Senior Manager, Performance Audit and Best Value, Audit Scotland
- Philip Prentice, Chief Officer, Scotland’s Towns Partnership
- Sandra Holmes, Head of Community Assets, Highland and Islands Enterprise
- Elizabeth Docherty, Director, Scottish Community Alliance
- Helen Emery, NHS Highland
- Dave Thomson, Head of Community Land Team, Scottish Government.
- Marco Meoni, Senior Surveyor, Scottish Government
- Iain Mulholland, Asset Transfer Manager, South Ayrshire Council
- Sarah Kimmett, Community Empowerment Officer, Perth and Kinross Council
- Dr Dani Hutcheon, Lead Researcher, Glasgow Caledonian University
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