Local authority social work statistics (LASWS) justice group
The LASWS Justice Group (LASWS:J) aims to ensure effective communication between Scottish local authorities and the Scottish Government with regard to the collection or monitoring of statistical information from local authority social work services departments.
The primary role of the LASWS:J Group is to discuss and agree any proposed changes to the annual data collection, and to discuss issues which are relevant to the gathering of justice social work data.
- Scottish Government, Justice Analytical Services
- Aberdeen City Council
- Aberdeenshire Council
- Angus Council
- Argyll and Bute Council
- Clackmannanshire Council
- Dumfries and Galloway Council
- Dundee City Council
- East Ayrshire Council
- East Dunbartonshire Council
- East Lothian Council
- East Renfrewshire Council
- City of Edinburgh Council
- Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
- Falkirk Council
- Fife Council
- Glasgow City Council
- Highland Council
- Inverclyde Council
- Midlothian Council
- Moray Council
- North Ayrshire Council
- North Lanarkshire Council
- Orkney Islands Council
- Perth and Kinross Council
- Renfrewshire Council
- Scottish Borders Council
- Shetland Islands Council
- South Ayrshire Council
- South Lanarkshire Council
- Stirling Council
- West Dunbartonshire Council
- West Lothian Council
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