Electricians Working Group


This group is no longer active.


This working group has been convened to explore the challenge of ensuring the safety of electrical installations. In addressing the challenge, the Scottish Government is committed to three key outcomes:

  • protecting consumers
  • protecting scrupulous traders and creating an inhospitable environment for miscreants
  • maintaining an environment that allows competition within the provision of electrical services to thrive

One proposal to achieve these objectives is to provide title protection for electricians. Other proposals include a voluntary regulation scheme, and an increased emphasis on increasing consumer awareness and making it easier to identify qualified professionals.

The Scottish Government is committed to finding a way forward on the basis of clear evidence, and on the understanding that any solution must be proportionate and have a demonstrable ability to achieve our stated outcomes. These parameters will underpin any Scottish Government action, and we hope that the Working Group will provide a forum for solutions to be explored through thorough and open discussion.


  • Citizens Advice Scotland
  • Electrical Safety First
  • NICEIC Scotland
  • Scottish Electrical Charitable Training Trust
  • Scottish Government
  • Scottish Joint Industry Board
  • SELECT Registration Board
  • Society of Chief Officers of Trading Standards in Scotland
  • Unite the Union




Email: consumerandcompetition@gov.scot

Telephone: 0300 244 4000

Scottish Government
Consumer and Competition Policy Unit
3rd Floor
5 Atlantic Quay
150 Broomielaw
G2 8LU

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