Proposals to Introduce a Statutory Duty of Candour for Health and Social Care Services: Consultation Analysis

Report from the independent analysis of the Consultation to Introduce a Statutory Duty of Candour for Health and Social Care Services

Annex 1: Consultation Questions

Q1 Do you agree that the arrangements that should be in place to support an organisational duty of candour should be outlined in legislation? (Yes / No)

Q2 Do you agree that the organisational duty of candour encompass the requirement that adequate provision be in place to ensure that staff have the support, knowledge and skill required? (Yes / No)

Q3a Do you agree with the requirement for organisations to publicly report on disclosures that have taken place? (Yes / No)

Q3b Do you agree with the proposed requirements to ensure that people harmed are informed? (Yes / No)

Q3c Do you agree with the proposed requirements to ensure that people are appropriately supported? (Yes / No)

Q4 What do you think is an appropriate frequency for such reporting? (Quarterly / Bi-annually / Annually / Other)

Q5 What staffing and resources would be required to support effective arrangements for the disclosure of instances of harm?

Q6a Do you agree with the disclosable events that are proposed? (Yes / No)

Q6b Will the disclosable events that are proposed be clearly applicable and identifiable in all care settings? (Yes / No)

Q6c What definition should be used for 'disclosable events' in the context of children's social care?

Q7 What are the main issues that need to be addressed to support effective mechanisms to determine if an instance of disclosable harm has occurred?

Q8 How do you think the organisational duty of candour should be monitored?

Q9 What should the consequences be if it is discovered that a disclosable event has not been disclosed to the relevant person?


Email: Craig White

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