Flood disadvantage in Scotland: mapping the potential losses in well-being

This Scottish research looks at the communities most socially and spatially vulnerable to potential flood events in terms of their underlying characteristics (i.e. socio-demographic data such as age and health, spatial and physical characteristics of the neighbourhood), with a focus on mapping flood disadvantage (i.e. socio-spatial vulnerability combined with the probability of being flooded).

5 References

GI-SAT (2007) Scottish Government Geographic Information Science and Analysis Team. Impact of Flooding in Scotland: In-house GIS analysis using the SEPA Indicative Flood Map. Scottish Government Scottish Executive Geographic Information Service 04/09/2007

GI-SAT (2011) Scottish Government Geographic Information Science and Analysis Team. Evaluation of the Data Zone Geography. Report available at http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/Doc/933/0120159.pdf. Last accessed March, 2013.

Hayton, K., Percy, V., Latimer, K. and Chapman, M. (2007). A summary of evidence about financial inclusion in Scotland using analysis from the Scottish Household Survey and other sources. Scottish Government, http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2007/09/27144121/0 Date last accessed Jan, 2013.

HM Government (2013) Description of Scottish Data Zones, 2001 Available at http://data.gov.uk/dataset/data-zones-2001. Date last accessed Jan, 2013.

Hood, J., Stein, W. and McCann, C. (2009) 'Low Cost Insurance Schemes in Scottish Social Housing: An Empirical Study of Availability and Tenants' Participation', Urban Studies, 46 (9), pp. 1807-1827

Lindley, S. J., O'Neill, J., Kandeh, J., Lawson, N., Christian, R. and O'Neill., M (2011) Climate change, justice and vulnerability. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, www.jrf.org.uk

O'Neill, J. and O'Neill, M. (2012) Social Justice and the Future of Flood Insurance. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York 2011 http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/vulnerable-households-flood-insurance-summary.pdf

Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) (2011) The National Flood Risk Assessment. Available at http://www.sepa.org.uk/flooding/flood_risk_management/national_flood_risk_assessment.aspx. Date last accessed Feb, 2013.

Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) (2013) The National Flood Risk Assessment online content Available at http://map.sepa.org.uk/nfra/map.htm Date last accessed Feb, 2013.


Email: Jackie Horne

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