Total Income from Farming Estimates for Scotland, 2016-18

Initial estimates of net income from farming in Scotland for 2018, and revisions to estimates for previous years.

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North Eastern Scotland was the most productive region per hectare

North Eastern Scotland was the most productive region per hectare

Total income from farming in North Eastern Scotland - £150 million or £281 per hectare

Scotland is divided into five regions, though they have very different sizes in terms of agricultural area.

Eastern Scotland created the most profit (£260 million), but once area is taken into account the North Eastern region created the most profit in proportion to its size (£281 per hectare, compared to Eastern Scotland’s £249 per hectare). Southern Scotland had the most output, but also had high costs.

Highlands and Islands is very large, but has relatively little agricultural profit per hectare (£12 per hectare). West Central Scotland is very small, being mainly the urban area around Glasgow. What agriculture there is is not estimated to make a large profit (£33 per hectare). Both regions were projected to make a loss if subsidies were excluded.


Email: Mal Cooke

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