Summer support for students: review

We recognise the need to deliver a long-term sustainable solution for supporting students over the summer months. This report details interim recommendations, progress to date and the next steps to achieving our long term goal of tackling inequality.

Outcomes and Recommendations

Based on the feedback obtained from the survey, engagement workshops and the SSSEG, the Scottish Government have produced interim recommendations to improve summer support for students.

Recommendations for 2022/23 AY & 2023/24 AY

1. Discretionary Funds

College and University Discretionary Funds should be used (where available) to support students over the summer.

2. £350 Loan Uplift

An initial £350 loan uplift to be introduced from 2022/23 AY for HE students, ensuring the most disadvantaged students can access £8,100 per year through a combination of bursary and loan.

3. Guiding Principles

Introduction of Guiding Principles for institutions administering Discretionary Funds to provide a level of consistency in the administration of these funds.

4. 12 monthly Payments Programme

Launch of 12 monthly payment option for HE care experienced students from 2022/23 AY, where eligible students can choose to receive their Care Experienced Bursary payments over 12 months.

5. Information and Guidance

SAAS to update the HE Discretionary Fund Guidance for 2022/23 AY to include a dedicated section on summer support and to introduce a specific guide for students.

6. Helpful Resources

A dedicated page on the Student Information Scotland website to be created that provides advice and links to helpful resources to support students over the summer.

7. Information on Benefit Entitlement

Develop benefit guidance in conjunction with the Child Poverty Action Group, which will be hosted on the Student Information Scotland and SAAS websites and issued to colleges/universities, ensuring consistent and well informed advice is provided to students.

8. Awareness of Funds

Institutions to promote the availability of Discretionary Funds amongst their students with clear and regular communication throughout the academic year, including the summer period providing funds are remaining.

9. Student Information Scotland

SAAS, SFC and institutions to promote the Student Information Scotland website on a larger scale to ensure students and institutions are maximising the resources and support available to them.

10. Monitoring of Funds

SFC and SAAS to monitor college and university Discretionary Fund pots.

11. FE Summer Support

FE students should continue to access benefits over the summer period as a means of support. FE colleges can provide a 'transition payment' to help bridge the gap between the FE course finishing and the student's first benefit payment.

12. Student Support Package – FE

To provide an increase to the Care Experienced Bursary package for further education students.

13. Student Support Package – HE

To provide an incremental increase to the student support package for all higher education undergraduate students, including care experienced and estranged students, as the next step towards achieving the living wage commitment.

15. 12 monthly Payment Option

To introduce the 12 monthly payment option to all undergraduate students, ensuring that students have the option to receive their student support payments over the summer period.

16. Budget Calculator

Introduce a link to the budget calculator on students' Award Notices from SAAS to support them with managing their finances.

17. Care Experienced Accommodation Grant

To consider the current operational processes for administering the Care Experienced Accommodation Grant to ensure care experienced students do not fall into rent arrears as they enter into the summer period.

18. Cross Government Working

To continue to work across government on the complete support offering available to students.



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