Report of the National Committee on Infant Cremation 2014-15

A formal report from the National Committee on its first year of progress against the 64 recommendations of the Infant Cremation Commission.

Annex B


Representative Sector Organisation Member Name
Chair Head of Health Protection, Scottish Government Gareth Brown
Inspector of Crematoria Robert Swanson QPM
Cremation Representative Organisations Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM) Bill Stanley
Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities Rick Powell
Manufacturers Facultatieve Technologies (FT) Jim Nicholl
Funeral Directors National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD) Paul Cuthell
Society of Allied Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF) Jim Brodie
Local Authority Cremation Authorities Glasgow City Council Brian Devlin
Edinburgh City Council Natalie McKail
Private Cremation Authorities Dignity Ltd David Baxter
Edinburgh Crematorium Ltd Jim Nickerson
Bereavement Organisations Simpsons Memory Box Appeal (SiMBA) Sara Fitzsimmons
SANDS Scotland Ann McMurray
The Miscarriage Association Helena McLaren
NHS Heads of Midwifery Susan Stewart
NHS Education for Scotland Mary Ross-Davie
Neonatalogists Consultant Obstetrician Dr Dawn Kernaghan
Consultant Neonatologist Dr Edile Murdoch
Parent Representatives By arrangement x 2
UK Administrations Ministry of Justice, England & Wales Judith Bernstein
Department of the Environment, Northern Ireland Julie Broadway
Scottish Government Senior Medical Officer Dr Mini Mishra
Bill Team Leader (observer) Simon Cuthbert- Kerr
Supporting Official Sarah Dillon


Email: SG Health Protection Team

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