Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodiversity Bill - Lived Experience Advisory Panel: recruitment information - easy read

We are looking to recruit neurodivergent people to take part in a panel that will help us design an inclusive consultation for a new proposed bill.


If you want to take part in the panel you should fill out the form attached to this document.

You should send it to this address: LDAN.Bill@gov.scot

The form has to be sent to the address by the date:


Those who want to take part will be asked to have a chat with a member of staff from the Scottish Government and someone from SCLD or Inspiring Scotland.

At this chat people will be asked about why they want to be on the panel and what can be done to help them be involved as much as they can.

The Scottish Government is looking forward to hearing from people who want to take part in the panel.


Email: LDAN.Bill@gov.scot

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