Hate crime strategy: easy read version

An easy read version of Scotland's Hate Crime Strategy.

Aim 3

Communities are:

  • stronger and more confident to take control of their lives and claim their rights
  • safe
  • inclusive - everyone can take part and have the same choices and chances

We want people to live in communities


  • they feel they belong
  • they are treated equally and their human rights are protected

To work well in stopping and dealing with hate crime, people need to understand what hate crime is and the effect it can have.

Commitment 8

We will support and fund organisations that work together to build more supportive and inclusive communities in Scotland.

Commitment 9

We will consider how education and youth work can support children and young people to recognise prejudice and hate crime and the effect it has on people and their communities.

Commitment 10

We will work to develop ways to prevent hate crime from happening, linking in with other commitments in this strategy.

Commitment 11

We will develop information for councils and their partner organisations to stop hate crime happening and support communities to live and work together.

Commitment 12

We will have regular activities that support the public to understand what hate crime is and how to report it.

Commitment 13

We will work to make sure people feel safe using public transport.

Commitment 14

We will make sure our work to deal with hate crime recognises the challenges of online hate crime.


Email: connectedcommunities@gov.scot

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