Autumn Budget Revision 2023-2024 guide: finance update

Background information provided to the Finance and Public Administration Committee (FPAC) to help with members' scrutiny of the Autumn Budget Revision (ABR) 2023 to 2024.

C. Scottish Budget comparators

65. In your letter to the Deputy First Minister the committee requested that 2024-25 Scottish Budget be presented so that the current year figures are compared to 2022-23 outturn and 2023-24 forecast outturn.

66. Clearly, this request relates directly to the budget revision process due to the large volume of internal transfers and technical changes which mean the starting budget position differs materially from the final budget and the outturn. It is not possible to do a like for like comparison between outturn and current budget figures as different factors require to be taken into account. This includes the impact of in-year transfers from policy areas to delivery bodies, technical changes and the impact of one-off funding changes.

67. For example, we are currently in the midst of a three year transition period for implementing IFRS16. For 2022-23 and 2023-24, changes to the budget were applied as part of the in-year budget position. With the transition period ending it is likely that the IFRS16 figures will be baselined into 2024-25 budget meaning a direct comparison to starting budgets are not possible.

68. Furthermore, the IFRS16 adjustments for 2022-23 are far higher than the figures in 2023-24 or 2024-25 as the first year of the transition has required far greater capital budget cover to cover existing leases. This would distort the prior year comparative and make it appear there has been a significant year on year cut to certain capital budgets in 2023-24.

69. A comparator follows for illustrative purposes, noting the caveats set out above:

Portfolio Budget Bill Internal Transfers Funding Changes IFRS16 Changes Spring Budget Revision Outturn
NHS Recovery Health & Social Care 18,043 (994) 738 85 17,872 17,832
Social Justice 5,680 (250) 181 (1) 5,610 5,570
WEFWE 1,869 (16) (160) 5 1,697 1,602
Education and Skills 4,793 (202) (515) 4 4,080 3,950
Justice 3,230 9 485 13 3,736 3,708
TNZJT 3,843 (8) (45) 759 4,549 4,223
RALR&I 1,185 6 (80) (2) 1,108 1,064
CEAC 370 (18) (5) 7 353 348
DFM & Finance (includes LG) 17,009 1,472 1,067 6 19,555 19,850
COPFS 181 1 8 5 195 194
Scottish Parliament and Audit Scotland 140 - 7 0 147 145
Total 56,342 0 1,681 879 58,903 58,486
Portfolio Budget Bill Internal Transfers Funding Changes IFRS16 Changes Autumn Budget Revision Forecast Outturn
NHS Recovery Health & Social Care 19,152 (1,060) 50 168 18,311 18,311
Social Justice 6,718 (80) 35 0 6,673 6,673
WEFWE 1,386 31 - 6 1,423 1,423
Education and Skills 4,887 (129) 6 11 4,775 4,775
Justice 3,452 2 47 15 3,516 3,516
TNZJT 4,344 (33) - 261 4,572 4,572
RALR&I 1,230 (22) (31) 0 1,177 1,177
CEAC 343 (24) 0 0 320 320
DFM & Finance (includes LG) 17,958 1,316 267 9 19,550 19,550
COPFS 197 - - 2 199 199
Scottish Parliament and Audit Scotland 146 - - 6 153 153
Total 59,813 0 374 479 60,666 60,666

70. In her response of 17 October the Deputy First Minister advised she is currently giving careful consideration to the presentation of the 2024-25 Scottish Budget and any changes or additional disclosures that may be used.



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