Overcoming barriers to community land-based activities: gudiance

Guidance on good practice in overcoming barriers to community land-based activities.


1. The Land Reform Bill was passed by the Scottish Parliament on 16th March 2016 and received Royal Assent on 22nd April 2016.

2. Interviewees will remain anonymous until they have received a copy of this draft report, and confirm that they are happy to be listed as a consultee.

3. Interviewees referred to the PAS toolkit for effective engagement 'SP=EED®' and associated verification programme.

4. During the period of interviewing the Land Reform Bill had not yet reached the Stage 3 debate in the Scottish Parliament; see also Footnote 1.

5. As explained by one interviewee, the cost of registering a lease would be borne by the tenant - i.e. the community group. However if the landlord's ownership title is not yet in the Land Register of Scotland, in terms of the Land Registration etc. (Scotland) 2012, the owner's title must be registered at the same time as the new lease. This is where the cost to the owner may arise.

6. To clarify, the interviewees in this earlier study argue that "individual private owners of small landholdings are more cautious in engaging with community land-based activities" (Roberts and McKee 2015: 24).

7. The 'Protocol for Negotiated Sales' was published on 28 th May 2016; see: http://www.communitylandscotland.org.uk/find-out-more/resources/ (accessed: 2.6.16).

8. Including a link to the existing guidance documents on rent reviews produced by the interim tenancy commissioner, plus NFUS, SLE and STFA.

9. Interviewees reiterated that these comments also apply to the vendor ( i.e. the landowner), not only community groups seeking to acquire the land, therefore may be considered in conjunction with the good practice principles for private landowners presented in Section 7.1.

10. See classification by Roberts and McKee (2015), reproduced in Appendix B.


Email: Graeme Beale, socialresearch@gov.scot

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