Draft provisions for a Wild Fisheries (Scotland) Bill/Draft Wild Fisheries Stratgey: a consultation

This is a consultation on draft provisions for a Wild Fisheries Bill, these provisions adopt an all species approach, while promoting conservation and good management of our wild fisheries resources.

Chapter 1: National Wild Fisheries Strategy

13. The production of a wild fisheries strategy was a key recommendation of the Report of the wild fisheries review panel. In order to support the narrative underpinning the Wild Fisheries Bill, we have begun to develop a draft National Wild Fisheries Strategy which can be seen at Annex C. This document has been informed by the National Wild Fisheries Strategy Development Group [6] comprising membership across the sector.

14. Since September 2015 the Group has been meeting on a regular basis to develop the Strategy which aims to provide:

  • A long-term vision for managing and developing Wild fisheries in Scotland (The Strategy);
  • An outline methodology for achieving that vision (a Governance and Accountability Framework which ensures that everyone operates within a clear and robust framework for decision making and accountability designed to achieve successful delivery of the purpose, aims, and objectives.);
  • A structure for greater stakeholder involvement on the development and

management of Wild Fisheries in Scotland.

15. In common with the provisions for a draft Bill, this Strategy will continue to be developed during the consultation process.

Q1. Are you content with the structure and content of the draft National Wild Fisheries Strategy?

Q2. Which of the current areas within the draft Strategy would you prioritise, and why?


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