Coronavirus (Scotland) (No. 2) Act 2020: advisory note on emergency directions and intervention orders etc.

Practical detail on the use of powers in the Coronavirus (Scotland) (No. 2) Act 2020 regarding directions to care home providers, emergency intervention orders, and powers to voluntarily purchase a care home or care at home service.


1 Further details on the role of the CSWO can be found here:

2 Members of the Care Home Clinical Care and Professional Oversight Group: the NHS Director of Public Health, Executive Nurse Lead, Medical Director, Chief Social Work Officer, HSCP Chief Officer: providing operational leadership

3 Members of the Care Home Clinical Care and Professional Oversight Group: the NHS Director of Public Health, Executive Nurse Lead, Medical Director, Chief Social Work Officer, HSCP Chief Officer: providing operational leadership

4 The National Contingency Planning Group is chaired by COSLA and comprises representatives from Health and Social Care Partnerships, service providers, regulators, national and local government and unions.



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