Public sector pay

Policy actions  3 of 4

Remuneration Group

When required, the Scottish Government Remuneration Group considers and approves staff pay remit proposals, as well as any new or revised remuneration proposals for chief executives, chairs and board members. The Group works under delegated decision-making powers agreed by the Permanent Secretary, the Executive Team and Scottish Ministers in relation to the Pay Strategy.


  • Non-Executive Chair
  • Director of Budget and Public Spending
  • Head of People Advice
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Director of Health Workforce, Leadership and Reform
  • Head of Education Workforce Unit
  • Non-Executive Member
  • Independent Observer


Remuneration Group meetings for 2024 are:

  • Wednesday 24 January
  • Wednesday 21 February
  • Wednesday 20 March
  • Wednesday 24 April
  • Wednesday 22 May
  • Wednesday 19 June
  • Wednesday 24 July
  • Wednesday 21 August
  • Wednesday 18 September
  • Wednesday 23 October
  • Wednesday 20 November
  • Wednesday 18 December

All papers must be with the Secretariat three clear working days before the relevant Remuneration Group meeting. Papers must be cleared in advance by the Public Sector Pay Team no less than five clear working days before the relevant Remuneration Group meeting. Failure to meet this deadline will result in delays to the proposals being considered.

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