Public sector pay policy 2021 to 2022: equality impact assessment (revised)

Revised equality impact assessment (EQIA) of the 2021 to 2022 Scottish public sector pay policy.

This document is part of 2 collections


1. The basic award increase or base pay increase is the inflation or cost of living element of the pay award.



4. The CPI, which is the UK Government's preferred measure for wage growth, was 0.5 per cent as at September 2020 (compared with 1.7 per cent in September 2019). The September CPI is the UK Government's reference point for taking decisions on inflationary uplifts for pensions and benefits.

5. The basic award increase or basic pay increase is the inflation or cost of living element of the pay award.

6. Public sector employment in Scotland: statistics for third quarter 2020.

7. Annual Gross pay for all employee jobs, Scotland, 2019, Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, Office of National Statistics.

8. Equality Act 2010



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