Scotland’s Honey Bee Health Strategy: implementation plan

Details of the actions which the Bee Health Improvement Partnership (BHIP) will deliver in order to achieve the desired outcomes for honey bee health in Scotland.

Varroa controls in Scotland

Varroa became reportable in Scotland in April 2021 through the Bee Diseases and Pest Control (Scotland) Amendment Order 2021 and continues to be considered one of the main causes for colony losses across the world, not only due to the physical damage caused by the parasite but also through the transmission of pathogens. Therefore, effective Varroa management continues to be one of the main challenges for beekeepers around the world.

Scotland faces a set of very particular challenges in terms of Varroa control, for instance, our climate and short season means that treatment capabilities are reduced, for example the lack of guarantees regarding sufficiently warmer temperatures during the season make some treatments inefficient in Scotland. 

Action 1: fact finding

Objective 1.1:

  • to complete a mapping exercise to identify current distribution of Varroa in Scotland identifying possible areas where Varroa is currently not present

Owner/lead: SASA
Priority: annually
What has been delivered: 31 August 2023

  • SASA produced a map with what is believed to be the current distribution of Varroa in Scotland (as of May 2023) and to highlight areas where particular care is needed. Also that Colonsay and Oronsay are Black Bee reserves. This will be updated annually to take into account new reports

Objective 1.2:

  • communication of Varroa mapping exercise and guidance to beekeepers on best practice to protect these areas

Owner/lead: SG policy and SBA
Priority: annually
What has been delivered: 31 August 2023

  • the honey bee health team designed a poster and flyer containing the map and advice for beekeepers. A communication strategy has been developed to raise awareness. As part of the strategy, the poster and flyers were on display in the honey tent at the Royal Highland Show (June 2023), Lorraine Johnston (SRUC) produced an article for the SBA magazine promoting the map and the SBA have posted the map on their Facebook pages. Copies have been issued to all local associations in Scotland where they were invited to promote the map by displaying posters in their local area. A copy of the flyer was also added to BeeBase
  • the communication strategy will be updated prior to next season with further plans e.g. display at targeted ferry ports in 2024

Objective 1.3: Varroa Working Group

Owner/lead: Matthew Richardson
Priority: ongoing
Update:  12 December 2023

  • The third meeting of the reconvened VWG took place on 27 September where the discussion focussed on questions posed by the group to the VMD, who had a representative attend the meeting. There were useful discussions on medicine records, information contained on product leaflets for Varroa treatments, issues around selling wax for recycling from treated brood boxes, potential residues in honey and honey sampling. The next meeting will take place early 2024.

Action 2: training and education

Objective 2.1:

  • to develop a Scottish specific training package on Varroa

Owner/lead: SRUC (under the Varroa Working Group)
Priority: short-term (by May 2024)
Update: 12 December 2023

  • The Varroa learning package group have met three times and are making progress. They are producing a guide of information which is already available and have developed learning materials for one topic. SMART objectives have been produced and the project aims to be finished by May 2024. The materials will be stored on the new SRUC beekeeping website which is in development.

What has been delivered: 31 August 2023 

  • A short life working group is being set up to take forward the Varroa Learning Package. The Terms of Reference have been written up and the first meeting will take place in September. A group of volunteers has been established to be part of the working group.

(New) Objective 2.2:

  • to re-instate bee health days 

Owner/lead: : SG-Policy SG Delivery SASA SRUC BHIP reps.
Priority: short-term
What has been delivered: 31 August 2023

  • Hobbyist Day – Saturday 17 June 2023 (Coatbridge) – well attended and well received by participants. 

Objective 2.3:

  • to develop an implementation plan for delivery of Varroa training package across Scotland.

Owner/lead: SRUC and SG delivery
Priority: medium-term (by October 2022)

Action 3: updated guidance

Objective 3.1:

  • create Scottish specific Varroa management guidance e.g. treatments most suitable for using in Scotland/advice on timings for these treatments/correct use, disposal and efficacy of Varroa treatments

Owner/lead: Varroa WG, SBA
Priority: by March 2024
Update: 14 February 2023

  • Lorraine Johnston (SRUC) via the Varroa Working Group is taking forward the development of a number of training packages and presentations on the subject

Objective 3.2:

  • working with VMD, clarify labelling instructions, common applications and include information in Scottish specific Varroa guidance

Owner: SG policy
Priority: medium-term
Update: 12 December 2023

  • The VWG and SG will continue to take these issues forward in future discussions with the VMD and following the September meeting of the VWG, the group agreed to create guidance on legal treatments with simplified interpretation and basic guidance a beekeeper would need i.e. what to use, how and when

Action 4: regulatory activity 

Objective 4.1:

  • liaison with the Veterinary Medicines Directorate and the Food Standards Scotland regarding misuse of medicines and potential residues in honey. In addition, the availability of effective medications for honey bees and review how to optimise treatments for use in Scotland and be most efficient in management techniques (including discussions prior to removing any approved medication and what replacement products will be available)

Owner: SG policy
Priority: medium-term
Update: 31 August 2023

  • in addition to the questions raised by the Varroa Working Group, the SG arranged a small working group which met on 7 June to discuss this issue. The SG Honey Bee Health Team provided field information and intelligence to the FSS and VMD in order to guide their policy. Both FSS and VMD have taken the information and will look at a review of current policy and official controls. Luis Molero has produced an article on the issue of honey fraud and residues which will appear in the September edition of the SBA magazine

Objective 4.2:

  • consideration of process requirements for establishing officially free Varroa areas in Scotland

Owner/lead: SG policy 
Priority: longer-term
Update: 31 August 2023

  • this links into the Varroa mapping work carried out by SASA and the communication strategy developed by SG where communication went out about Varroa areas to the beekeeping sector. This will continue to be taken forward in conjunction with the Varroa Working Group and remains a longer term action



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