Scotland's Data and Intelligence Network: further information

Values and focal points of Scotland's Data and Intelligence Network.

Working together to achieve our aims

In order to achieve our aims, the Scottish Data and Intelligence Network focuses on:

  • collaborative working – facilitating collaborative working across member organisations through: formal governance groups; short life working groups, communities of practice and informal presentation sessions
  • creating infrastructure & best practice – developing frameworks and infrastructure to help our community in approaching data and intelligence challenges. Creating a platform for sharing best practices across the public sector
  • joint procurement – offering a forum for the joint procurement of data, tools and services so all of our community can work on a once for Scotland basis
  • project support & delivery – our network management office assists partners and users in generating, supporting and delivering data and intelligence projects

To find out more about how we can help you, please contact us at to read more about the services we offer.

Ensuring the responsible and ethical use of data

In the Data & Intelligence Network we recognise that we have a responsibility to address the moral dilemmas that are presented in reconciling the privacy, rights and freedoms of people in Scotland with rapid and proactive, responsible use of information to manage the current pandemic and future data challenges. As a result, we have brought in expertise on ethics, governance, public engagement and open government from across disciplines to create a framework to ensure we make decisions using data and intelligence in a responsible manner, with processes, skills and a system of governance to support this. Part of our framework is the establishment of values for the ethical use of data:

  • purpose – responding to data and intelligence needs while balancing the rights of citizens
  • fairness – consistent treatment of citizens, empowering citizens' voices
  • transparency - a systematic approach to communication, arming citizens with meaningful information
  • competency - adherence to the rule of law
  • voice & agency - the public are both listened to and heard
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