
Remit of the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002 Review

Remit of the Review.

The review will investigate the operation of the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002 to ascertain whether it is providing a sufficient level of protection for wild mammals, while at the same time allowing effective and humane control of mammals, such as foxes, where necessary.

Out of scope

  • The review will not consider whether predator control is necessary to protect livestock or wildlife
  • The review will not take a view on any particular incident or allegation.
  • The review will not consider the operation of other wildlife legislation unless it has a direct bearing on the operation of the 2002 Act.
  • The review will not consider other types of predator or pest control.


The review will be carried out by Lord Bonomy, who may decide to co-opt others as required.

(Secretariat support will be provided by Natural Resources Division, Scottish Government.)      

Output and timescales

The review took evidence, in the form of written submissions, from the 1 February to end of March 2016. Those submissions are now being considered.

A report, including recommendations for changes where appropriate, will be submitted to Ministers in Autumn 2016.


2002 Act review
Wildlife Management Team
Natural Resources Division
Directorate for Environment and Forestry
The Scottish Government
1-C North
Victoria Quay

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