Promoting Responsible Dog Ownership in Scotland: Microchipping and other Measures. An Analysis of Consultation Responses

An analysis of responses to the consultation on promoting responsible dog ownership in Scotland including questions on micro-chipping, licensing and muzzling amongst other measures.

Annex 3: Number of Responses Received, by Question

Question Number of organisational responses Number of individual responses Total number of responses
Q1 Are all, some or none of the dogs / puppies in your care routinely microchipped? Please explain. 99 1,399 1,498
Comments 67 486 553
Q2 Do you offer a microchipping service to the general public? If you do, what geographical range do you cover how many dogs did you chip in Scotland in 2012 and how much do you charge? Please explain your answers. 99 1,347 1,446
Q3 If you run a rescue / rehoming centre, do you ensure that all, some or none of the dogs are microchipped prior to rehoming? How many dogs did you microchip / arrange to be microchipped in 2012? How many dogs came to you in 2012 that were already microchipped? Please explain your answers. 20 27 47
Q4 Do you consider that compulsory microchipping would help to make dog owners more responsible? Please explain and provide any evidence that you may have. 100 1,405 1,505
Comments 100 1,034 1,134
Q5 Do you consider that compulsory microchipping would help to deter dog theft? Please explain and provide any evidence that you may have. 97 1,392 1,489
Comments 88 871 959
Q6 Do you consider that compulsory microchipping for dogs would help to tackle the issue of puppy farming? Please explain and provide any evidence that you may have. 98 1,398 1,496
Comments 85 760 845
Q7 Do you consider that compulsory microchipping for dogs would help to address other dog welfare issues, such as abuse / mistreatment? Please explain and provide any evidence that you may have. 97 1,385 1,482
Comments 94 789 883
Q8 Do you consider that compulsory microchipping for dogs would help to prevent dog attacks on people / animals, including on assistance dogs? Please explain and provide any evidence that you may have. 98 1,400 1,498
Comments 91 855 946
Q9 In the long term, the compulsory microchipping of dogs may require all owners to pay to microchip their dogs and to update their details on the commercial database that their dog is registered on. Do you think this would an unfair burden on any particular sectors? Please explain. 98 1,388 1,486
Comments 87 885 972
Q10 When a microchipped animal changes ownership, the registration details on the database must be updated for microchipping to be effective. If microchipping was to be made compulsory, with whom should this responsibility lie: the seller, the buyer or both? Please explain why and how you consider that the requirement could be enforced? 101 1,384 1,485
Comments 90 860 950
Q11 Are you aware of any difficulties due to different microchip companies using different technical specifications regarding scanners, etc.? Please explain 98 1,379 1,477
Comments 62 304 366
Q12 Do you think that any regulation being introduced on microchipping should set minimum standards for commercial databases? Why, and if so, what should they be? 99 1,369 1,468
Comments 83 489 572
Q13 Presently, the dog owner, the microchip implanter, and some animal welfare organisations are able to access current records, but only enforcement authorities are able to see previous records. Do you think this should remain the same? Please explain. 96 1,385 1,481
Comments 77 546 623
Q14 Do you believe that compulsory microchipping would be easy or difficult to enforce effectively? Why? Can you suggest what approach to enforcement would be most appropriate? 96 1,384 1,480
Comments 95 884 979
Q15 Do you have any concerns that microchipping could cause health problems in dogs? Please explain. 100 1,392 1,492
Comments 65 412 477
Q16 Do you believe that compulsory microchipping would have a positive or negative financial or other impact on owners, enforcement agencies, animal welfare organisations / rehoming charities, dog breeders, pet shops, microchip database companies? Please explain. 94 1,367 1,461
Comments 82 670 752
Q17 Do you believe that all dogs in Scotland should be microchipped? Why? 103 1,460 1,563
Campaign responses 736 736
Comments 95 1,034 1,129
Q18 Do you consider that any sectors of dog ownership (for example rehoming / sanctuary charities, police, armed services, security services, guide / helper dogs, vermin control, sheep dogs, or other sectors) merit exemption from any requirement to microchip? Why? 99 1,380 1,479
Comments 70 683 753
Q19 Which of the suggested options for introducing any requirement for compulsory microchipping do you believe would work best? Do you have any alternative option to suggest? Please explain. 96 1,353 1,449
Comments 67 432 499
Q20 Do you think a system of dog licensing could help encourage responsible dog ownership and help make our communities safer from dangerous and out of control dogs? Do you have views on how such a dog licensing scheme might operate? 87 634 721
Campaign responses 736 736
Q21 Do you think muzzling of dogs while in public should be introduced? 105 1,469 1,574
Campaign responses 736 736
Q22 The Dog Fouling (Scotland) Act 2003, gives local authorities the powers to deal with dog mess.
Are you aware that local authorities have these powers? 99 1,393 1,492
Do you think they are being used effectively in your area? 98 1,383 1,481
Is there more you think can be done to address this issue effectively? 100 1,375 1,475
Comments 87 886 973
Q23 Do you have any other comments on the possible introduction of compulsory microchipping for dogs in Scotland? 63 409 472
Q24 Do you have any other comments on the promotion of responsible dog ownership in Scotland to help improve the safety of our communities from dangerous and out of control dogs? 90 19 825 550 915 569
Campaign responses 736 736
Q25 Do you consider that the consultation paper explained the key issues sufficiently for you to properly consider your responses? 89 865 954
Q26 Do you consider that you had sufficient time to respond to the consultation? 89 889 978
Q27 Do you have any other comments on the way this consultation has been conducted? 71 693 764


Email: Liz Hawkins

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