
Investing in Communities Fund round two: final funding guidance

Investing in Communities Fund 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2026: guidance note for applicants. The fund closed to applications on Tuesday 28 June 2022.

Eligible proposal types

The fund supports the revenue costs associated with community consultations, feasibility work, and the design and/or delivery of local community-identified and community-led projects and services that will address local challenges, priorities and needs. 

Possible examples might include:

  • providing holistic person-centred services and access to resources supporting low income households and families, child poverty priority family groups and individuals such as affordable/flexible childcare, income maximisation/financial capability, dignified food provision, and health and wellbeing support
  • supporting people towards employment and better economic prospects
  • participatory budgeting (PB)
  • the fund will also consider requests to support a programme of phased activity during the ICF grant funding period - for example, some initial feasibility work to inform the most effective way to deliver a new local service. Where this is the case a single application form should be submitted addressing all phases of the proposal. However, you should note that funding for future phases of work will be dependent on the outcome(s) of the feasibility study
  • small-scale capital costs up to a maximum of £20,000 per application, where these capital costs are directly related to the wider project/service delivery which is the main focus of the proposal. Where applicable, we will need written confirmation that appropriate permissions and consents are in place to carry out any capital works (for example, building warrant or planning permission)

In delivering an eligible project we will ask you to tell us about the ways in which the project and/or your organisation can contribute to climate change ambitions and a just transition to net zero. This may include considering how your organisation operates, the space or resources you use, how the project will be delivered, how people access your services, and/or opportunities to promote climate conscious behaviours (for example, by promoting active travel). 

More information with examples of good projects and case studies are available in the two information fact sheets on our webpages, including suggestions for how to include positive climate action as part of your project.

Obligations and legal requirements

  • publicity - if your application is successful, you must ensure that any marketing or publicity about your project/service acknowledges Scottish Government funding and any other match funders in all associated project materials
  • project proposals are invited on the basis that successful applicants will comply with all necessary obligations and legal requirements and the conditions contained in the ICF offer of grant, including compliance with UK Data Protection Laws (UK GDPR and DPA 2018) 
  • all projects will need to comply with all relevant legislation relating to the implementation of projects, including:

Data Protection, Freedom of Information and the Environmental Information Regulations

Applicants to the ICF should be aware that the Scottish Government is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004, and current Data Protection laws.  Therefore, please note that information provided, including personal information, will be held, published and disclosed in accordance with this legislation. When submitting an application, please let us know if there are any parts of it that would prejudice your commercial or other interests if they were made public. However, given our obligations, please note we cannot guarantee confidentiality.

Equality legislation

All organisations submitting an application to the ICF must satisfy themselves that they are compliant with relevant equalities legislation, including the Fairer Scotland Duty (as part of the Equality Act 2010).  Further information can be obtained from the Equalities and Human Rights Commission

In addition, the following may also apply to your project:

  • Subsidy Control (previously European Commission (EC) State Aid Rules)
  • Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005
  • public procurement
  • planning permission
  • any other legal requirements that are specific to individual projects

We may require proof from you that you have considered your obligations as required under legislation.



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