Coronavirus (COVID-19) - social care workforce payment: guidance on the process for Shared Lives Schemes

Guidance for those who work in a Shared lives scheme. This includes registered managers and Shared Lives carers.

About this payment

The First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced on 30 November 2020 a one-off pro rata payment for Scotland’s lifesavers and caregivers on the frontline throughout the coronavirus pandemic. 

Scottish Ministers have issued information on the payment as questions and answers.

About this guidance

This guidance is for those who work with a Shared Lives scheme. This includes  registered managers and Shared Lives carers. A guidance letter will be issued to all Shared Lives carers by their Shared Lives scheme managers.

The Shared Lives scheme, as registered with the Care Inspectorate as an “Adult Placement Service”, is a service for adults aged 16 and over. Shared Lives schemes recruit people living in the community and approve them as Shared Lives carers. These Shared Lives carers provide care and support to vulnerable people whilst sharing their home and family life. The definition of an Adult Placement Service is set out in Schedule 12 of the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010.

If you are a registered Shared Lives scheme manager please contact your Shared Lives carers as soon as possible to provide them with information about the intended payment.  You should do so now. 

Separate guidance has been issued for Health and Social Care Partnerships/local authorities, for third, voluntary, charitable and private sector providers employing social care staff and for personal assistants.

A standard form of words for communication to Shared Lives carers is available to download (under supporting documents). This also seeks responses from scheme members who have concerns about receiving the payment and who have since left or retired from their post.

Shared Lives carers who have concerns about the potential impact on their benefits are advised to seek independent advice.  

Shared Lives managers are encouraged to work with their Shared Lives carers. Shared Lives managers should make best efforts to contact eligible carers who have since left or retired from their role. Please discuss with your payroll provider where applicable for support with this. Payments to former employees should be made following the HMRC guidance.

Further information about how these circumstances will be handled is provided at Leavers, Tax and benefits and Concerns over receiving payment.

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