
Carers Legislation - Analysis of Consultation Responses

Report of the independent analysis of the responses to the Carers Legislation public consultation

12 Summary

12.1 A total of 1,587 responses were received.

12.2 There were 165 standard consultation responses including 32 from individuals and 133 from organisations; several of these organisations had consulted with their members before submitting a response. In addition, 513 respondents submitted their response using a template distributed by the Coalition of Carers and local carer centres. There were also 909 responses based on a questionnaire distributed by the Scottish Youth Parliament. The Scottish Government also ran a series of 16 consultation events across the country.

12.3 There was a good response to this consultation, with many respondents welcoming the opportunity to provide their comments on the proposals outlined. Across the consultation as a whole there was support for specific legislation that will support carers and their rights, with many respondents commenting on the adverse impact that caring for another can have and the need for support to be available to all carers to help them in their caring role.

12.4 In general, respondents were supportive of the proposals outlined in the consultation paper. That said, many noted the importance of integrated service provision and the need to clarify the role played by different agencies in relation to the delivery of services. Allied to this, there is a need for effective partnership working between and across agencies to ensure optimal provision of services, delivered at the right time, in the right place.

12.5 Many respondents commented on the need for consistency across Scotland for services and their delivery. Some concerns were expressed over cross-border issues, both within and outwith Scotland and the need for portability of assessments.

12.6 While there are requests for consistency in the planning, shaping and delivery of services, there were also calls for services to be flexible and able to respond to changing needs. Respondents would like to see an outcomes-based approach, with regular reviews to ensure that carers receive the services that are appropriate to their needs.

12.7 Most respondents acknowledged the importance of involving carers and carer organisations in the planning, shaping and delivery of services in order to ensure that services offered meet the needs of carers. A number of respondents also noted the need to ensure that any carer services are inclusive, for adult and young carers as well as those from more hard-to-reach groups. There were also some concerns over the transition from young carer to adult carer and the need to ensure that this is a smooth transition.

12.8 There were calls for assessments to be carried out early; it was felt that a preventative approach will mean that support can be provided to carers when it is first needed and before a crisis point is reached; and help to minimise the use of services.

12.9 Some respondents - primarily local authorities and CHCPs - noted that existing legislation and guidance already provide a framework for delivery and that some of what is being proposed is not needed. For example, some local authorities noted that new powers under SDS or GIRFEC already deal with the needs of carers and young carers.

12.10 While respondents were supportive of these proposals, there were concerns over the resources that will needed to implement them.


Email: Connie Smith

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