Consultation on a Proposed Bill Relating to Burial and Cremation and Other Related Matters in Scotland - Web Only

To develop legal framework which ensures that the appropriate dignity and respect is shown when carrying out burials and cremations

Pandemics and mass-fatality events

97 The Cremation (Scotland) Regulations 1935 allow for the suspension of regulations governing cremation in the event of an epidemic or other similar reason. The Burial and Cremation Review Group recommended that the same power should be extended to cover any relevant regulations governing burial. Accordingly, the Burial and Cremation (Scotland) Bill will contain provision to enable any relevant burial regulations to be suspended in particular situations, such as pandemics and mass-fatality events. Such a suspension may apply to the whole of Scotland or to specific areas, depending on the nature of the incident which has given rise to the need for the regulations to be suspended.

98 It will be necessary to ensure that new legislation relating to cremation continues to allow for the suspension of cremation regulations in the event of an epidemic or other similar reason. This suspension would apply to all categories of cremation.

Q50 - Do you agree that the same power to suspend regulations relating to cremation in response to pandemics or other similar incidents should be extended to any relevant burial regulations?


Email: Joseph Ewesor

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