Working Group for Missing People in Scotland: National Framework for Missing Persons - implementation report

The working group for missing people were asked by the Minister of Community Safety to support and assess the implementation of the National Framework for Missing People aims and recommendations. This report sets out the groups findings from their implementation review.

Annex A

Working Group For Missing People - Remit

The Working Group For Missing People (Working Group) will support the development and roll out of National Missing Persons Framework for Scotland by:

  • Considering all aspects of the implementation of the recommendations in the National Missing Person's Framework for Scotland and specifically considering whether current implementation practices are having a positive impact for missing people and their families to identify best practice, and identifying where gaps exist and how these could be addressed.
  • Obtaining updates on the delivery of actions set out in the framework with a view to identifying practice on missing people across 12 Police Scotland divisions that includes all 32 local authority areas.
  • Working with the Implementation Project through the National Coordinator to build a thorough understanding of how best multi-agency partnerships can be used to:
    • Establish an appropriate information sharing protocol.
    • Develop local strategies to safeguard vulnerable people and prevent missing episodes.
    • Identify responsibilities for missing persons across the multi-agency partnership.
  • Provide guidance to, and support the work of, the National Coordinator.
  • Develop an appropriate awareness/communication plan around the risks of going missing including signposts to support.

In taking forward the overview, all appropriate evidence should be considered.  This will include looking at and discussing current practice, responsible agencies and all relevant data to form as holistic an understanding of services to missing people and their families and the impact these are having on delivering positive outcomes.

Name Organisation Role
Professor Hester Parr University of Glasgow Chair
Chief Inspector Lex Baillie replaced by Chief Inspector Colin Convery (29/10/19) Police Scotland National Missing Persons Unit Member 
Susannah Drury Missing People (Charity) Member
Alison Watson Shelter Scotland Member
Andy McKay Trustee – Missing People (Charity) Member
Daljeet Dagon Barnardo's Scotland Member

Further members can be invited and added to the group or the group may also invite representatives from organisations and sectors to meet with the group or take part in group meetings that are focussed on specific areas or issues. All decisions made by the group should be done so on a majority basis.

Remuneration and other costs

Working Group members will not receive any remuneration for their participation in the group. Other costs, such as room hire and the provision of refreshments at group meetings, will be met by the Scottish Government.

Secretariat support

Secretariat for the Working Group will be provided by the Scottish Government, Community Safety Unit officials.


The Working Group is initially being established for one financial year and the continuation can be reviewed by the members.

Work plan

The Working Group will determine their own meeting schedule and work plan.



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