Surface water management planning: guidance (2013)

Guidance to assist the responsible authorities in preparation of Surface Water Management Plans (SWMPs) to help with the management of surface water flooding. This guidance has now been superseded by the 2018 edition.

8 Review

The flood risk management planning process, including SWMPs, is a 6 yearly cyclical process of risk assessment, appraisal of measures and implementation of measures.

Each LFRMP must have progress reviewed through the production of interim and final reports.

The lead local authority must produce an interim report 2-3 years after the LFRMP has been finalised. The interim report should include information on the progress that has been made towards implementing the measures described in the LFRMP.

The lead local authority must produce a final report 5-6 years after the LFRMP has been finalised. The final report should include:

  • An assessment of the progress made towards implementing the current measures
  • A summary of the current measures which were not implemented, and the reasons for this
  • A description of any other measures implemented since the plan was finalised which the lead authority considers have contributed to the achievement of the LFRMP objectives.

Local authorities should regularly review the implementation of the SWMP measures, and should carry out this work in time to inform the required reviews of the LFRMP. The LPD partnerships should help co-ordinate this work. It is recommended that the SWMP partnerships should continue to work together to discuss implementation of the measures identified.


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