Coronavirus (COVID-19): mental health tracker study - wave 1 report

Findings of wave 1 of the Scottish COVID-19 (SCOVID) Mental Health Tracker Study based on questionnaire data collected between 28 May and 21 June 2020 (a period which coincided with the Phase 1 easing of lockdown measures).

Annex 5. General health during COVID-19

Table G. Respondents' perceptions of their general health before and at Wave 1
General health pre COVID-19 (%) (n= 2514) General health Wave 1 (%) (n= 2514)
Very good 22.8 20.2
Good 47.0 46.2
Fair 22.8 24.6
Poor 5.6 6.6
Very poor 1.5 1.9
Don't know 0.4 0.4
Table H. Respondents' perceptions of their mental health before and at Wave 1
Mental health pre COVID-19 (%) (n= 2514) Mental health Wave 1 (%) (n= 2514)
Very good 28.8 22.6
Good 40.7 33.4
Fair 20.0 26.6
Poor 7.4 10.7
Very poor 2.7 6.5
Don't know 0.4 0.3
Table I. Sleep quality in the past week for respondents with or without pre-existing mental health conditions
No MH (%) (n= 2183) Yes MH (%) (n= 330)
Very good 10.6 3.0
Good 22.1 11.5
Fair 37.7 30.3
Poor 22.4 29.1
Very poor 7.1 26.1



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