Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme: progress report 2020

First annual progress report on Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation programme 2019 to 2024.

Annex: Summary of risk assessment for Scotland from UKCCRA2

The UK Government is required under the 2008 UK Climate Change Act to publish a UK wide Climate Change Risk Assessment (UKCCRA) every five years, assessing the 'risks for the UK from the current and predicted impacts of climate change'. The second UKCCRA was published in 2017.

Prior to this, in 2016, the Committee on Climate Change published it's Evidence Report and Synthesis Report, including a National Summary for Scotland, which provides the underpinning for the UKCCRA. Some actions identified as priorities for other parts of the UK have been shown to have a different urgency category for Scotland.

The Evidence Report used the concept of urgency to summarise the findings of the analysis, variously identifying 'more action needed', 'research priority', 'sustain current action' and 'watching brief' categories. For Scotland, it highlighted:

  • The need for more action to address flood risks;
  • The potential for water scarcity;
  • Heat related impacts on health and wellbeing;
  • Risks to the natural environment;
  • Risks of food price volatility; and
  • New and emerging pest and disease risks, especially for Scotland's forestry.
Table: UK Climate Change Risk Assessment: risks summary
Table: UK Climate Change Risk Assessment: risks summary

Source - Adaptation Committee (of the Committee on Climate Change)

The SCCAP2 programme responds to these priority risks within its outcomes-based framework. A list of the specific identified risks being addressed by the policies in each chapter can be found at the end of each chapter of SCCAP2.

Looking further ahead to the next statutory cycle of risk assessment and adaptation planning, the Committee on Climate Change is currently working on its updated Evidence Report to underpin the next (third) UKCCRA. The Evidence Report is due in summer 2021, in advance of the UKCCRA in January 2022. That risk assessment will then in turn inform the development of the third Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme for publication in 2024.



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