Scottish Child Payment: Islands Community Impact Assessment

The Islands Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA) considers the Scottish Child Payment in relation to its impacts on people living in the Islands under Section 8 of the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018. Impacts relate to digital connectivity, access to the Payment and the ways people in these communities

Recommendations and Conclusions

The work undertaken to produce this impact assessment, which was carried out in partnership with local people from island and rural communities, has helped us to better understand the unique challenges faced by those families living on low incomes in remote locations.

The need for flexibility, to meet the unique circumstances of those living in island communities was recognised throughout. In particular in recognition of the challenges regarding transport, higher costs of living and accessibility. The fact that the SCP can be used in a flexible manner to best meet the needs of the child and the emphasis Social Security Scotland places on an accessible, multi-channel service is expected to result in positive impacts for those in island communities.



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