Scottish Child Payment: Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

The Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) considers the impact of the Scottish Child Payment on businesses, including the third sector.


1. Family Resources Survey - Children in poverty or material deprivation by age of children in household

2. Scottish Government, Growing Up in Scotland: Health Inequalities in the Early Years

3. Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017

4. Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan

5. Universal Credit Scotland dashboard: August 2020

6. Scottish Government website - Scottish Child Payment

7. The Analysis of Options for the Income Supplement Report

8. Poverty and Inequality in Scotland 2016-2019, Figure 3

9. Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan, page 15

10. Cooper and Stewart (2017), Does money affect children's outcomes?, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion

11. Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan, page 113

12. Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018

13. Scottish Government, National Performance Framework, National Outcomes

14. Social Security (Scotland) Act, Part 1 Section 1

15. Scottish Government, Scotland's Economic Strategy

16. Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan, page 15

17. Analysis of Options for the Income Supplement Report

18. Family Resources Survey - Children in poverty or material deprivation by age of children in household

19. Scottish Government, Growing Up in Scotland: Health Inequalities in the Early Years

20. Benefit Take-Up Funds, Forms and Guidance

21. Scottish Government: Funds Awarded to Maximise Benefit Take Up

22. The Benefit Take-Up Strategy

23. The Public Contracts (Scotland) 2015 Regulations

24. the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014

25. Social Security Scotland, Our Charter

26. Analysis of Options for the Income Supplement Report



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