Proposed changes to pre-application consultation requirements: consultation

Consultation on proposed changes to the pre-application consultation (PAC) requirements in planning.

Impact Assessments

54. Included with this consultation paper are partial versions of the following assessments:

  • Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA)
  • Combined Equality and Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (EQIA/ CRWIA)

Q16. Please give us any views you have on the content of these partial BRIA and EQIA/CRWIA.


Q17. Do you have or can you direct us to any information that would assist in finalising the BRIA and EQIA/ CRWIA?


55. There is also a screening paper on Island Communities Impact Assessment. Based on the information we have identified, we do not consider there to be a significant impact on island communities in particular arising from the proposed changes.

Q18. Please give us your views on the Island Communities Impact Assessment screening paper and our conclusion that a full assessment is not required.


Q19. If you consider that a full Island Communities Impact Assessment is required, please suggest any information sources that could help inform that assessment.




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