Royal Hospital for Children and Young People and Department of Clinical Neurosciences: review of water, ventilation, drainage and plumbing systems - supplementary report

This report supplements the NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) report issued on 9 September 2019 and focuses on the provision of the fire, electrical services and medical gas systems.

2. Analysis of information provided

2.1 Information provided

2.1.1 The support of the NHS Lothian project team in responding to questions and accessing data is gratefully acknowledged.

2.1.2 At the time of writing the majority of the information required had been received and whilst the timescale for the review means a selective targeted review of documentation was necessary, the main themes appear clear.  However, some information remains outstanding, and NHS Lothian colleagues continue to pursue a response.

2.1.3 The Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), Contractor, sub-contractors, Facilities Management Contractor and Independent Tester were not directly involved in the production of this report, nor were they requested to verify its contents and they may have additional information not considered here. It is acknowledged that some of the information provided by NHS Lothian came directly from these sources. 



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