Microgeneration strategy for Scotland

Following on from the Renewables Routemap 2020, this is a sectoral routemap for microgeneration.


B& ES - Building and Engineering Services Association
CARES - Community and Renewables Loan Scheme
CCSA 2009 - Climate Change Scotland Act 2009
CEIP - Colleges Energy Industry Partnership
CES - Community Energy Scotland
CHP - Combined Heat and Power
CLE - Construction Licensing Executive
CPD - Continuing Professional Development
DECC - UK Department of Energy and Climate Change
DNO - Distribution Network Operator
ECO - Energy Company Obligation
EPC - Energy Performance Certificate
EST - Energy Savings Trust
ETP - Energy Technology Partnership
FIT - Feed-In Tariff
GSHP - Ground Source Heat Pump
LZCGT - Low and Zero Carbon Generating Technology
MCS - Microgeneration Certification Scheme
PV - Photovoltaic
RHI - Renewable heat Incentive
RHPP - Renewable Heat Premium Payment
SEAM Centre - Sustainable Energy and Micro-renewables Centre
SEPA - Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
SEIA - Scottish Energy Installers Alliance
SG - Scottish Government
SME - Small and Medium size Enterprises
SNH - Scottish Natural Heritage
SNIPEF - Scotland and Northern Ireland Plumbing Employers Federation
SPP - Scottish Planning Policy


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