Local housing strategies: questions and answers

Further questions and answers relating to local housing strategies.

Local Housing Strategies – Questions and Answers

Should the needs of keyworkers be considered when developing a local housing strategy?

Yes. If evidence suggests there is a need for keyworker suitable housing in a local authority area this should be given full consideration in housing policies and delivery plans set out in the LHS. Local authorities should work closely with local employers to fully understand the type and tenure of the housing required and the most appropriate location for development, including the provision of homes for keyworkers on public sector sites secured for affordable housing, as appropriate.

Including keyworkers within the LHS should provide confidence to both employers and keyworkers that their needs are recognised and are being fully considered. Any policy introduced for allocating homes at an affordable cost to key workers, would need to be completely transparent and sufficiently flexible to meet requirements. The nature of the essential services provided by keyworkers can cover a wide range of functions, so it is likely that levels of need will fluctuate overtime and the salary bands of those looking for accommodation will be varied and changeable.

Successful approaches to delivering homes for keyworkers, should be shared widely across the public sector, to encourage local solutions to local problems.

What consideration should be given to the housing needs of service personnel, veterans and their families when developing a Local Housing Strategy?

Housing is a key priority for the defence community and the Scottish Government, which continues to work towards the vision that all people in Scotland live in high quality sustainable homes that they can afford and that meet their needs.

Local authorities should fully consider the needs of service personnel, veterans and their families when developing their Local Housing Strategy. In areas with large services establishments, local authorities should work with relevant personnel from these establishments to ensure that any potential issues with regard to housing for ex-Services personnel are addressed at an early stage. These may include the prevention of homelessness for those leaving the services and needs arising from poor health and/or a disability.

A local authority's allocation policy for social rented housing should ensure fair and sympathetic consideration for ex-service personnel, giving them the same priority as others with a similar level of need. The Housing (Scotland) Act 2010 allows ex-service personnel to establish a local connection to the area in which they served, to help ensure fair treatment, which local authorities can apply when dealing with homelessness applications. Further guidance and examples of good practice


Email: ceu@gov.scot

Telephone: 0300 244 4000

Scottish Government
Housing, Regeneration and Social Justice Directorate
Victoria Quay

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