Health and Social Care Delivery Plan: National Programme Board minutes, November 2018

Minutes of the twelfth meeting of the National Programme Board for the Health and Social Care Delivery Plan, held on 12 November 2018.

Welcome and apologies

1. Shirley Rogers welcomed Members to the twelfth meeting of the Programme Board, specifically:

  •  Donna Bell, the new Director for Mental Health;
  • Amanda Croft, representing Malcolm Wright;
  • Jamie MacDougall and Lorna Ascroft, for the update on Adult Social Care Reform; and
  • John Harvey, Health Workforce, Leadership and Service Transformation.

2. Full list of attendees and apologies are at Annex A. 

Matters arising   

3. The minutes of 4 October 2018 were agreed without amendment. 

4. All the remaining actions from the Actions Log were either covered by the agenda, or will be brought forward to future meetings.  

Progress report  

5. Justine Westwood introduced paper NPB/2018/12-11/01 providing the Board with a progress update on the key programmes within the Delivery Plan.  The Board: 

  • noted the progress of the underlying programmes and the update on the risks and issues; and
  • agreed the revised milestone dates.   

6. Andrew Kerr highlighted the work of the Health and Social Care Integration Review Group and noted the scheduled timing of its findings in January 2019. 

Action 73:  Andrew Kerr and Alison Taylor to provide an update on the integration review group findings / recommendations at the meeting in February.   

Programme tracker and modelling outputs  

7. Phil Raines gave a presentation on the modelling outputs for the Delivery Plan (Action 71) and Angiolina Foster and Justine Westwood provided a presentation on the proposals for a high level tracker (Action 66).  In the discussion that followed the board noted and agreed: 


  • The Delivery Plan modelling work needs to align  closely with Integration modelling and similar work – such as workforce planning.
  • A workshop for members to consider the modelling outputs in more detail is to be arranged. 
  • It is important to be clear on how the outputs from the Model are to be used. 


  • The emergent Transformational Change Fund evaluation and the tracker should be aligned. 
  • There is a need to be clear on where unscheduled care is included in the tracker. 
  • It is important the tracker remains focused on the five proposed activities to deliver reform.  Consideration should be given to the groupings for these, especially, the grouping of Primary Care and Integration.
  • Work should progress to identify measures for each of five key activities.  Milestones focused on outcomes and benefits are required as part of this, recognising the relative lengthy delivery time. 
  • Jason Leitch agreed to provide advice and guidance on improvement methodology for the tracker.   
  • A progress update on the tracker is to be considered at the next meeting in February.   

Action 74:  Secretariat to arrange a modelling workshop for members.   

Action 75:  Justine Westwood to consider points raised on the tracker and progress development, with relevant members’ input, for consideration at the February 2019 meeting.   

Adult Social Care Reform  

8. Jamie MacDougall and Lorna Ascroft introduced paper NPB/2018/12-11/02 and provided a presentation on the Adult Social Care Reform Programme.    

9. During the discussion that followed, the Board noted and agreed: 

  • Consideration should be given to dividing the complex and challenging programme into manageable projects. 
  • Local variations are challenging and need to be recognised. 
  • Market provision is challenging with the mix of public and private providers (profit and not for profit providers).
  • Need to consider national, regional, local and community responsibilities and reform activities in a collaborative way. 
  • Need to recognise micro economies are observed at local, regional and national levels.
  • NPB governance role and reporting requirements should be considered and discussed.     

Action 76:  Secretariat and Justine Westwood to meet Adult Social Care Reform colleagues to discuss National Programme Board governance and programme reporting.   

Communications and engagement 

10. The chair invited each Implementation Lead to provide and update on progress: 

  • Angiolina Foster, National Boards:  approved Transformational Change Funding was welcomed and has allowed progress and implementation of reform programmes.  Focus on internal staff communications and engagement programmes across national boards.  
  • Amanda Croft, North:  progressed summary discussion document ready for publication and engagement programme in the Autumn.  Discussions ongoing on leadership replacements. 
  • Tim Davison, East:  progressing summary discussion document for the East.  Taking stock on progress so far, regional focus on collaboration, workforce supply, mental health and prevention agenda. 
  • Phil Raines: provided an update on national communications and engagement encapsulating performing and reforming themes.   

11. In the discussion that followed the Board noted and agreed: 

  • The Strategic Change Team were developing a Delivery Plan and Regional Planning progress updates for the Cabinet Secretary.  These  will address the recommendations in Audit Scotland’s annual reports, and capture Transformational Change Fund reform successes.
  • The chair provided an update on development of the Integrated Workforce Plan.
  • The Cabinet Secretary recognises and supports the reform agenda and its crucial role in supporting her immediate priorities, coupled with implementation of the longer term reforms. It was agreed the Cabinet secretary should be invited to the next meeting.   

Action 77:  Secretariat to invite the Cabinet Secretary to the meeting in February.   

AOB and next meeting

 12. The next meeting is arranged for 13 February 13.00 – 15.30 4.ER SAH.   The Cabinet Secretary is to be invited to attend.   


19 November 2018

Attendees and apologies

  • Shirley Rogers, Chair and Director of Health Workforce, Leadership and Service Transformation
  • Andrew Kerr, Health and Social Care Lead for SOLACE
  • Andrew ScottDirector of Population Health
  • Angiolina FosterNational Implementation Lead
  • Alison TaylorHead of Health and Social Care Integration
  • Donna BellDirector for Mental Health
  • David Garbutt, Chair NHS National Education for Scotland
  • David WilliamsChair of the Chief Officers’ Group
  • Jason LeitchDirector for Health Care Quality and Improvement
  • Amanda CroftRepresenting Malcolm Wright Implementation Lead for the North
  • Tim DavisonRegional Implementation Lead for the East


  • Caroline Lamb. National Implementation Lead
  • Theresa Fyffe / Lilian Macer, Staff Representation
  • Christine McLaughlin, Director of Health Finance
  • Malcolm Wright, Implementation Lead for the North
  • Elizabeth Ireland, Chair NHS National Services Scotland
  • John Wood, Health and Social Care Policy Lead for CoSLA
  • John Burns, Regional Implementation Lead for the West
  • Phil Raines, Head of Strategic Change Unit
  • Anne Aitken, Head of Directorate Support and Delivery 
  • Justine Westwood, Strategic Change Unit
  • Isabella De Wit, Head of Board Reform Unit
  • Lorna Ascroft, Adult Social Care Reform
  • Jamie MacDougall, Head of Adult Social Care Reform
  • John Harvey, Admin Support
  • Robert Spratt, Secretariat, Strategic Change Unit



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